Stupid little black dress

It's that time of the year again folks, end of semester! Well it already ended for us last week anyways. So now it is time for the year book committee to crawl out of their holes and ninja attack you with their digital cameras. Turns out today, that the treble choir I'm in was supposed to come to class in our black dresses for a photoshooot, well I brought the dress, I just hadn't put it on.
During the photo thingy the photographer was moving us around and such on the risers that were set up on the stage, one of the girls goes to the right just a little to much and fell off xD Just earlier it was her who was bitching at everyone not to screw this up, thank you karma.
I have realized so far, that all of the songs we are singing for the Treble choir festival are very..oh lack for a better word, odd. The first three are in foreign languages, the other two are in English but one is from the 70's and is about love and...arrows.. and then the other has a weird ear fetish. And then we have one that is in Engrish5.0 O.o It's "John saw duh Numbuh dat no man could numbah." Yes..Engrish5.0 has now infiltrated the school system and is invading our choirs, don't they try to fight this thing in the literature classes? Way to buck the system choir! xD
I think I might have a few things to upload tonight, and perhaps even a..wallpaper! *gasp!* I've never uploaded or created a wallpaper before so let the bloodbath begin.
