Why Didn't You Fight For It?

So, okay I probably didn't do too well on my job interview today, but I turn to another question. This question I've been pondering for a while now, and I have to ask it now. If I was so important to you, why didn't you fight for it? In other words, why didn't you try to keep things going? You didn't even try to hang on to me. I don't get it. I couldn't have been that important to you, or you would've tried to hang on. I don't know... maybe I'm to blame because maybe I'm the one who didn't fight for it. I didn't beg you to stay. I more or less said, if that's what you want. See, but I thought that's what I should do. I should respect your wishes and just let go. That's what most people do, right? This sounds so dumb to want someone to fight to keep you, and I'm sure I've talked about it before, but I do. I want someone to try to fix whatever problem exits and want to hang on to me. I still can't get what you said to me out of my head. It plays over and over again. You said it wasn't me, but why do I feel like I went wrong somewhere? Couldn't you have told me? You know, I'm not even sure why I'm even writing this because most of the time, my heart is wrong anyway, and I feel the wrong way about someone. Meaning, I feel like they might like me, but they don't. The one time I did finally gain feelings for someone in return, and I knew he felt the same way, I let it slip through my fingers. Why? I failed as a girlfriend. I couldn't be the kind of woman that a girlfriend should be, and I'm still not. The next time I get the idea someone might like me, I'm going to let him do the talking. I don't want to guess wrong and wind up disappointed yet again. I hope whatever guy falls in love with me next, and I fall in love with in return will fight to keep it going.
