Is This Okay?

So just now, I was thinking, trying to picture myself as a mommy. I really can't picture it. I mean, maybe I could be a mom, but eh... as I think about myself and the way I am, I honestly can't see myself raising a person. Sure, I want kids one day, but I'm starting to wonder if I'm really cut out to be a parent. Also, even if I thought I wanted a boyfriend and a spouse one day, I got to thinking about that too. Maybe I'm not really cut out for that either. I mean, I know one should be positive and not think they couldn't be with someone, but I wonder if it's also okay to accept you may never wind up with anyone, that maybe you weren't meant to be a lover, wife or mother, but maybe you were just meant to be a friend. Yesterday, I thought about how I'm happy just to have people who are willing to stick around and call me their friend. As long I'm still called friend, it's all I need. I honestly don't need anything else. Sure, I live kind of a lonely life, but my online friends and what real life friends I can contact anymore are all I have. I hate losing friends, and as long as someone is still there for me, I'm fine.
