I Do Not Deserve My Friends

After the events of the day, which in no way do I intend to go into detail about them here, I have come to realize just how special my friends are, and how undeserving I am of them. I don't understand why they're willing to talk to each other for me, but I know that I do not deserve it. I can not say I'm sorry or thank you enough to them. I really, truly love my friends, and I bring so much trouble on myself, it's a wonder people don't disown me as a friend. I have been disowned by a friend, but I brought that on myself too. If my emotions could be held in check and I didn't over react to everything, I might not wind up begging and pleading for mercy all the time. Unfortunately, it is my heart that gets me hurt. To all those I call friend or that still see fit to call me a friend, just know you are very important to me, and without you, my life would be nothing. I owe you all my life.
