I Have Nothing to Complain About

I just realized today, tonight actually that I have nothing to complain about. In comparison to others' plights, my worries are nothing. See, I learned something very troubling today. I was in shock and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. A friend of mine, a young man about my own age just lost his mother yesterday, or I believe that's the day he lost her. For respect for him, I won't go into any details, but it was a very tragic death, and sadly, this could happen to anyone. I was lucky and didn't need surgery to have my gall bladder removed and yet, someone else was unlucky. As much as we don't like to admit it, something can happen to anyone at anytime, so therefore it becomes more important to show your love for others and to be thankful for the good in your life and not focus on the things you don't have or you want. I realized I need to be more thankful and not fuss or whine so much. I have a good life, whether I want to admit it or not. I may have to report bad news of my own soon because I'm afraid I might be losing my uncle, but I don't fully know the situation. I just know, it doesn't sound too good and they've been travelling a lot. However, the thing is, we should all count our blessings because we aren't guaranteed to wake up tomorrow morning, and what do you do when it's too late?
