Perhaps I've Been Lucky

Often times, I complain because I don't get the things I want, but when I come to think about it. I've actually been shown a little bit of mercy. Like, when it comes to love, so far, I've been shown a little mercy. Mostly, I've dealt with guys just telling me they feel like it won't work out, and maybe once or twice, I've had to tell guys I think it won't work. So far, I've been spared a horrible breakup. However, I know some of my friends have not been so lucky. I would never do such a thing to someone, I don't think. I would try not to anyway. True, I'd like to be in love and everything, but when I think about the heartbreak I've been spared, it's not so bad. See, I only put myself through Hell because when I fall, I fall hard. I am past all that though. It's funny, but I've never actually thought about how lucky I really am.
