The Punch in the Face You Need to Believe in Yourself

You know, sometimes, after I look at all the negatives, I begin to see the positives. I often let my own weakness defeat me. Why? Because I'm too afraid to stand on my own two feet and accept myself. I used to get told all the time by a dear friend the very same thing Kamina said to Simon in "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann". He used to say to me, "Don't believe in yourself, believe in the me who believes in you." If only I remembered those words more often, I wouldn't wind up so down all the time. Sometimes it takes a punch in my face to get me going again. I'm a lot like Simon. How will I get through all my problems? By reminding myself to have courage. I have courage enough to face them, now I need courage to get back up again.

The next time I feel this way, I'll see Kamina reaching in and punching me.
