Name: Nikki
Age: 27
DOB: Nov. 24 1986
Height: 5ft roughly - What? I'm short
Believe in Love at First Sight: No.
Relationship Status: Single / Don't care
Here lately, I've come to discover, it doesn't matter whether I get married or not. It doesn't even matter if I stay single. Thing is, I may or may not be ready for it. What's important is being content with what you have.
I have a lot of favorite anime, but a few of them include: Code Geass, Trigun, Fullmetal Alchemist and Fairy Tail.
Favorite music: rock / hard rock / heavy metal, pop - I like things that people have said doesn't fit me.
My all time favorite band is the old Guns N' Roses. The new one sucked. End of story.

My Anime Protector

I think I've decided, I either want Brandon Heat or Vash the Stampede as my anime protectors. :p Too bad anime men can't be real. If I had a man kind of like some of my favorite anime guys, I'd feel well-protected and safe, and I'd feel quite loved. I understand now why Brandon allowed Maria to wind up with The Boss. I think it turned out quite well. I just wish he had've told Maria he loved her. I don't know, maybe it was kind of implied, but you know... it would've been nice if they were together. Oh well, I think it's nice how he protects Maria and The Boss's daughter. <3 Vash... well, he's Vash. lol Who wouldn't want to be protected by a haphazard, doughnut-loving gunman who only wants love and peace? Yep, sounds good to me. lol but He is a good gunman. Brandon or Vash? Decisions... decisions. Ooh both? Yep, I love my choice.

A Better Job is a Need Not a Want

So, it's not a matter of wanting a better job anymore. I need a better job. Today, I went to a wedding shower for my friend and his fiance. We got to talking about jobs, and I felt bad because I'm a college graduate, but I work in a large retail / grocery store. So, to keep from feeling embarrassed about my job, I need to find a better one. The thing is, I still don't know how. I go on job boards such as indeed and careerbuilder, but so far, those seem to be a waste of time. Of course, I could go to a warehouse job, but then, I'd be working ten hours a day at least. I don't know what to do anymore, but I hate feeling like I'm not worth as much as others.

The Heir of Ravenclaw

I have proof, I am the heir of Ravenclaw, lol. I have been given Ravenclaw's diadem. XD You know when you look up something and it shows a bunch of pictures, well, I typed in my username, shortcrazygirl and what do I find? lol One of the pictures I found was Ravenclaw's diadem. lol so that makes me the heir or Ravenclaw XD.

Watch out, Voldemort. You have someone else to contend with.

Check This Out! Wow... Crazy Stuff

Like the Meme - "I Do Not Want to Live on This Planet Anymore"

Do not worry. This note is not about something idiotic like suicide. No... This note is just simply expressing how I'd rather live on another planet besides Earth. Heck, shoot me to the moon if you want. I want to fly away from all the insanity here. There was yet another shooting in New Orleans and on Mother's Day on top of that. I've mentioned gun control before, but not even gun control can save us from the level of insanity on this planet. Oh, and I learned they plan to come out with an iphone 10. Really? Is this even necessary? I still have my iphone 3 and it works just fine thanks. I'm not about to upgrade to a new one because it's not necessary. Lol I got my phone for free. Free vs. paying for an upgrade and another upgrade and another upgrade. I vote free. This iphone 10 would really have to do some amazing stuff if I'm going to look into getting one. Oh the joys of technology... Nope, yours is outdated already. We are going to keep upgrading this stuff just so you have to spend more money. Whatever happened to the way things used to be made? You'd buy something once and it lasted forever like my parent's TV they used to have that they bought in like the 70s or 80s. That thing lasted for like 20 or 30 years. They don't make things that last that long anymore. Why? They have to make sure you're spending money. The cost of living wasn't as high then either. Now, you're lucky if you can afford groceries let alone anything else. Oh, and then there are these people willing to strap a bomb to them and blow them and everyone else up. Why? All because they claim it will ensure their entry into Heaven or some BS like that. Sometimes it might be for whatever political reason they conjure up in their mind to justify it, but most of the time, it's because of a religious reason. No wonder people are so anti-religious these days. It's because people following some of these religions are willing to become terrorists to prove a point. This goes for any religion by the way and not one specific religion. What happened to living your life in peace? I thought peace was supposed to be at the core of most religions. But people have gotten selfish and greedy, so peace is not sought after so much. These days, it's become more important to prove one's point than to say, "You have a right to your opinion, and I have a right to mine, so let's agree to disagree and move on." Lol it's also no wonder why in the Bible, God wanted to destroy the world. I would too if I was some deity and saw how people on Earth live. End of rant.