Matsushita Hideki's Profile

External Image

Matsushita Sprites

Creator: DemonDays4
Full name: Matsushita Hideki マツシタ ヒデキ
SHSL ability: Actor

Gender: Male
Age: 17
Birthday: May 29

Eye color: Mint green
Skin tone: Average Japanese
Hair color: Electric blue
Hair style: Short and parted to one side. His bangs flip up at the end.
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 165 lbs
Face type: Androgenous
Body type: Petite and lanky
Outfit/style: Graphic t-shirt and open rust-colored jacket with buttons, ripped jeans and sneakers.
Other details: Freckles, homosexual tendencies (but fairly open)
Appearance: Sweet and genuine
Neutral Sprite: Soft smile

Personality: On the outside, he seems to care deeply for others, playing people into the idea that he’s a total sweetheart. He’s mostly quiet, but also appears quirky. In reality, however, he doesn’t really care about other people due to his experiences.
Likes: Dumplings, food in general, punk music, video games, has an attraction to stuffed animals/body pillows (soft things in general), horror movies, bunnies (like so so so much.)
Dislikes: Stupidity, heights, dark spaces (literally uses a nightlight), the color pink, extreme heat
Strengths: Keeping a poker face
Weaknesses: Innocent people, himself (he’s always down on himself)
Fears: Heights, darkness, being alone.
Life before school: When his parents realized his open sexuality and affinity for acting, they cast him away and disowned him. He instead began living with one of his high school teachers, who openly took him in and took care of him. His acting career allowed him to travel a great deal and he has performed on stage in many European countries. Because of this he had a hard time making friends and keeping them, therefore he grew very cold toward other people on the inside, but still kept his genuine demeanor on the outside to keep his image. This causes him to be acting nearly every minute of every day, which earned him the title of Super High School Level Actor.
