Morioka Kaede's Profile

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Morioka Sprites

Creator: obviouslyobvious
Full name: Morioka Kaede モリオカ カエデ
SHSL ability: Architect

Gender: Male
Age: 16
Birthday: January 29

Eye color: Green flecked with gold/orange
Skin tone: Light/Pale
Hair color: Silver
Hair style: He has long bangs that are parted in the middle and frame his face. The rest of his hair is pulled back into a high, messy ponytail held up by a rubber band, and is decorated with a set of black chopsticks
Height: 5’11
Weight: 170 lbs
Face type: Angular/Diamond, narrow-ish eyes
Body type: Tall, kind of stocky (aka: Average build)
Outfit/style: Wears a blue t-shirt with a white blueprint design on it that’s half tucked into his pants, black studded belt with a silver buckle, and a loose pair of white jeans
Other details: He keeps a #2 pencil behind his right ear for when inspiration strikes. He also has a bulky silver watch on his right hand, and dark circles underneath his eyes. Also wears glasses.
Appearance: Morioka generally appears to be lost in his own world, as he’s kind of spacey. He also looks like he needs sleep.
Neutral Sprite: Bored/Dazed, thumbs hooked through front belt loops, relaxed stance

Personality: Morioka’s pretty calm, cool, and collected. He doesn’t generally say a lot, but is polite and friendly when spoken to… for the most part. Although polite, he’s fairly blunt and straightforward in his speech, and is not a big fan of small talk. He generally speaks in an airy, slow tone, as if he doesn’t feel like putting forth much effort to talk. He’s a bit more lively when the conversation is something interesting to him, though! Even if he’s being personally attacked for whatever reason, he keeps a level head and tries to rationalize through the situation.
Likes: Sketching, math, cats, architecture, interior design
Dislikes: sugary foods, duct tape, pens
Strengths: Intelligence, resourcefulness, problem solving, level-headedness
Weaknesses: Indifferent to pretty much everything, appears absentminded
Fears: mice, cramped spaces
Life before school: Even as a young child, Morioka was always interesting in buildings and architecture. He’d build models out of blocks and legos, creating fancy structures that he hoped could one day become real. After attending an architecture camp in middle school, several of Morioka’s designs were selected for construction. His unique style became well known throughout the region, and companies began to commission Morioka to design their buildings. His successes eventually caught the eye of Prospect’s Summit, and he was offered admission.
