Illegal Boredom

Huzzah! I gots mah tablet back~<3
But I'm not going to make it to post a Happy Chinese New Year picture at the rate of my procrastinating. D:
I guess that's the price I have to pay for worrying about my fellow Otaku.

While I was BORED and tablet-less, I used my mouse to create some very disturbing doodles! So anyways, I re-read all of my own fictions and about dumped all but two into my recycling bin. D: I can't believe I've been giving you guys such crappy reading material! You should've said something! Oh well, as I was saying... I was given an interesting mental image that was related to the D.Gray-Man AU fiction I'm writing right now in one of my older (not to mention crappier) One-Shots. (Anyone who remembers my fiction How Should I Feel? will get the joke behind the image I'm fixing to show you.)

Do you all remember the peach coloured apron?

Well here's a mouse-made experiment version of it.

This might just help explain why it's illegal for me to be bored in four different countries (Republic of Korea [South Korea], Japan, the United States of America, and Canada)... Not to mention why Tykki wants to chop off his pretty long hair. Oh, and why he wants to kill his fangirls, we can't be leaving that part out, now can we?

I hope you all thought this was as disturbing funny as I did!

