On the Musical Side of Life

I'm extremely excited today as I found out I got into the Musical Theatre Practicum class I wanted for Spring quarter! I've been singing all day! Adding to that, many of my fellow wonderful theatre hippie majors got in to! YAY! Therefore, I've been singing like mad today. It's so much fun. The thing is, I was singing while I cleaning my grandparents house this morning and washing the car and now my diaphram aches--like when you use muscles you forgot you had. Actually that's exactly it.

See, I used to be in choir at church and in middle school but gave it up in high school because their choir was absolutely appauling and I'd have died to admit I was a part of it! That's how I came to join drama. The drama program we had was small (try converted metal shop on for size), but we did quality stuff. However, I was left with no time for church choir, so I just quit altogether and followed a different path. My school did only one musical ever--the Wizard of Oz. I played the TinMan. It didn't keep me in practice though.

So after a brief glimpse at my life story, I arrive at my point:
I was wondering how many other actors or singers or musicians are lurking around theO, or Vivi/VV, as many people seem to be calling it now. I was also wondering if these attributes affect your enjoyment of shows, whether they be tv series, anime, movies, plays/performances, etc. I find myself overly-critical much of the time. Tsubasa is a good example of a show I watched primarily for the background music; not that the series is bad (Heavens NO!), but the music really kept me drawn in. Elfin Lied also had some really great sounds. Naruto is one of those that just doesn't entrall me that much musically. Minus "Fooling Mode". That song rules.

Any thoughts?

p.s. I think timechaser is the only person other than me to visit my page at this point in time. hahaha. I need to be more social around here...
