To Yukigakure- Mamoru

After their talk, Mamoru went on, "I may have found somewhere to stay the night. If we can just get Kimiko..."

So he admitted they were friends with benefits. Score for you, Mamoru.

It sounded easier than it would probably be. She was clearly drunk already; as she swayed and talked with those rough looking men, she seemed a little too coy for comfort. "Ah...should we-"

"Nah, leave her be. She'll be fine." Keisuke snorted out of his nose, completely unconcerned.


Of course, when their squad leader nearly kneeled over, Mamoru was sure that "staying back and leaving her be" was out of the question, and immediately rushed to her aid. "Kimiko-san, I think maybe we should leave."

The men at the table didn't seem particularly happy about this, especially when Kimiko slurred, "Eh? But that party's just started...I was gonna get laid..!"

"Yeah, she was gonna get laid." One of the men shifted a bit, and Mamoru ignored the unnerving grin.

"I'm sorry, but my friend is intoxicated, so you could be charged for rape for sleeping with her." He said this to them under his breath. "So unless you want trouble, I suggest you let me take her. She's a little depressed, just lost her father to cancer and all that. I told her to keep away from alcohol but she never listens."

"Oh." Mamoru was surprised that this ploy worked, and the men at the table shifted again. "We're sorry to hear that."

"But I wanna get laaaaid!"

"You can do that later, Kimiko-san." Mamoru answered, gently tugging her away from the group, though not before mouthing a "thank you" to them.

"Wha? Are you gonna service me, then?"

He disregarded that comment. "Let's get to the inn, alright? You need some sleep...and water, so you don't have a hangover tomorrow. We still have a job to do." He shot Keisuke an accusatory look (mostly because of his previous "She can handle herself" statement) and dragged the squad leader along with him.
