To Yukigakure- Mamoru


Mamoru firmly decided when Keisuke dragged Kimiko outside that the two had frick-fracked and that was that.

It seemed as though Keisuke was attempting to hide something (possibly the conclusion Mamoru had made), so Mamoru chose to ignore any hints that were dropped about any other "skeletons in the closet" (yes, he had been eavesdropping, just a little) and ordered some dango for the three of them while his teammates had their chat outside.

"Excuse me," he asked the server, "Are there any inns nearby? With room? My friends and I have been travelling for quite a while and it'd be nice if we could find a place to spend the night."

The waitress nodded a bit as she set down the order in front of him. "There's one just down the road. They don't get many visitors this time of year."

"Thank you." He gave her a charming smile after receiving this information, causing the girl to blush before she turned on her heels and headed to the back.

Though it was looked down on to take phones on missions, Mamoru had taken his. At this particular moment, he chose to check his text messages, only to find one from his father.

Mamoru, please don't push yourself. We look forward to your return home.
P.S. I'm sure your mother is very proud of you already.
P.P.S. Shinya says hi and the twins have decided to get tattoos on their backsides. Send help immediately

He found himself chuckling at this text, but he did not reply to it.

Just before the two returned, he slipped the phone back into his bag and began to check his supplies. "Oh, you're back. I ordered us some dango." He smiled at them, actually pleased with himself for doing so.
