Star Wars Extravaganza!

OK, I figured I'd better get the plans solidly set a few days in advance. :p

We'll be watching the original Star Wars trilogy this Friday, Nov. 19. I thought about when we should start, and I settled on 12:30 p.m. EDT/9:30 a.m. PDT. Early enough to get through them before Mr. Desbreko heads off to work, but late enough that the poor west coasters won't be ultra groggy when we start. :p (I hope not, anyway, haha.)

One thing I want to work out is how much break time we'll have in between movies -- obviously, people will want to use the restroom, rustle up some food, etc. in between flicks. I was thinking 10 minutes of break is a good number. Everyone cool with that?

Assuming 10 minutes of break time between movies, here's what the tentative schedule would be like, if you just want to catch one or two specific movies (all times EDT):

-- 12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m.: Star Wars: A New Hope
-- 2:40 p.m.-4:45 p.m.: The Empire Strikes Back
-- 4:55 p.m.-7:05 p.m.: Return of the Jedi

So there you go. Sound good? Just like with the weekly movie meet, I'll toss up the movies onto MegaUpload and update this post as they finish uploading. Hopefully I'll get A New Hope up there before I head off for work today. (By the way, we'll be working with the Special Edition releases with all the reworked footage and the added scene with Jabba the Hutt in A New Hope.)

Just to prevent confusion, the room will be called Star Wars Viewing Room, and the password will of course be theforce.

One more thing! If any of you have Netflix and three movies in one day aren't enough for you, then Molly and I will be watching more afterward, because we're awesome like that. Instant watch ftw.
