Can't Give Up Yet!

This is bad, this is bad, this is bad!!! Rai thought, watching events unfold. Taichi didn't unleash shikai. He was just going to toy with his prey. Rai was running out of options fast. He had to put his plan into motion now. He held his shoulder as he got to his feet slowly. A fissure in the ground began to crawl towards him, causing him to jump to the side a bit. That move gave away his position. Taichi's sight turned towards him.
Wait for it...
Taichi rushed in but a pillar of earth stopped his advance. Toma was fighting a defensive battle. In general, hold out until reinforcements arrive. But, Taichi alone is capable of destroying an entire fortress. Rai made himself more vurnable by moving around the pillar and getting closer to his father. He left himself wide open. Taichi took it and swung.
Rai swung his leg in an arc to hit the blade. Blood splattered and something fell with a thud. Rai's Spirit Shackle was broken and an open palm was faced at Taichi.
"An old dog needs to learn new tricks." Rai said, smirking, "Hado Number 43: Roaring Thunder Cannon!!!" An explosion of electricity and sparks sent both of them flying in opposite directions. Taichi landed gracefully on his feet. Raidon landed skillfully on his hand. Taichi was getting annoyed, it was taking longer than he expected. Then he cracked his neck. "Roar into the dark abyss, Kurairyuujin." The halberd materialized in a dark aura. However, instead of attacking, he turned around and said, "An unarmed man has no honor." He began to walk away.
"You're not going anywhere!" Toma yelled in anger, causing stonespikes to shoot up from the ground. Taichi sliced them all without even moving.
"Once you've got your sword, meet me the academy courtyard. I'll be waiting for a worth target." He vanished the next instant. Rai hung his head in disappointment.
Now I need to break the rules, get Akumamitsukai, and kill my old man. I just hope Toma can help me... He then turned to Toma and asked her to help him get his zanpakuto from storage.
Taichi looked up at the cloudy sky. The rain was still falling. He said quietly to himself, "I'm dead bpthays, but if Raidon dies, then Aizen can no longer put his plan into fruition. Kurairyuujin will not be reborn. And maybe the eternal nightmare will end..."

O.K. Another post down till the Raidon vs. Taichi finale! Plus, a cliffhangar to get the mind going.
