Shackle of Sin

It began to downpour hard as Rai walked through the Academy Courtyard. He was holding his right wrist in pain as he sat beneath a tree. Rai was let out for several days, but his will to live was beginning to fade. He looked up at the dark and gloomy sky as he tried not to cry.
"Hey guys, how's it going?" Rai asked cheerfully. Akane saw him and looked away. Hisa began to pick up her pace as she headed to her dorm. Hiroshi just did the usual: nothing.
"Umm, I hate to ask the stupid question, but someone has to: What's going on?" Rai asked, his cheerful disposition turning grim.
"I'll break the ice, Akane." Hiroshi said as he shooed her away.
She would of kicked him if he did that normally... this can't be good... Rai thought as Akane went in the direction Hisa went.
"Listen, you've been labeled as a murderer." Hiroshi said, his face showing no expression. "The entire Soul Society is going to avoid contact wth you because they fear you. I know it's may seem big, but..." He trailed off trying to think of what to say, but instead gave up and walked away.
Me... a... Rai began to think, but then stopped and got back to his usual self. It might not be true. He smiled as he went to the library. Upon entering, he was grabbed and thrown outside. Just as Rai hopped back to his feet, his face had a rough encounter with a hard cover dictionary. He held his nose to stop the bleeding as the librarian came out.
"I don't care if you are someone of a high social class," she said in a stern, strict voice, "No murderers allowed." The door slammed shut.
She just made up that rule. Rai thought, looking at the book that nearly broke his nose.
*Flashback 2*
Rai was beginning to lose his joy. He was thrown from all of his favorite places, and everyone avoided him. His sister was the only one who actually stayed around him, but that was only making matters worse. He closed himself up in his dorm and sat on the floor.
... maybe if I don't show myself, it'll all blow over... Rai thought as he looked at his shelf. It was full of things he considered souveniors as he lived his life. Rai got up and ran his fingers over the various things: the rock he found the first time he fished, a picture of him and his friends while they still lived in the Rukongai, the grip of the first wooden sword he ever broke, and then, he paused as he saw the ring from the Yakunan Calamity. Rai picked it up and stared at it.
I never even returned this. He thought as he flipped it like a coin. He almost caught it in his right palm, just as it vanished into thin air. Before anything could be said, black tatoo began to burn its imprint on his wrist. Rai bit his left hand to try not and yell in pain. His right wrist was burning, but he did nothing. Just as soon as it started, it stopped. Rai stoppd biting his hand and looked a the tatoo that was burn on him. It was a shackle of black feathers with other symbols. He remembered clearly what happened when he invoked that cursed power, and turned his head shame. That tatoo was a manicle to remind him of his crime.
*End Flashbacks*
Two students began to whisper and point at Raidon when they saw him. He looked at them and they shut up instantly. They began to run away as he got up.
...what can I do, now that I'm the one thing I've never wanted to become...?
Taichi watched from a distance as his son began to walk of campus towards the river. It was an easy kill, no one might even mourn his death, but it was going to be one without honor. Tai looked at the sky and then at Raidon.
"He just wants something to live for, yet that thing is nothing now." He said as he wiped rain water from his hair. "For one who fights for nothing, there is no meaning for their death. I'll just need to provoke him to fight for something..." And then, he vanished in a flash of lightning.
