Two Friends Face Off

“This is wonderful. Why did I know something like this was going to happen?” Hisa sighed.
“Take this.” Taichi said handing Hisa a silver and ovary ring.
“Umm…ok.” She put the ring on my right ring finger.
“I’ll go first; you watch my back” Taichi ordered but she flash stepped away from him. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING? DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH HISA?” He screamed at her.
She threw a left hook but he dodged it with ease. Rai grabbed her ankle and threw her towards a pillar. Hisa threw her right hand out in front of her and Tanaka launched out from its holster in her wristband and wrapped around the pillar. She gripped the chain and swung around the pillar using the potential energy from the throw to rocket back to Raidon. The right blade unwound from the pillar and went strait towards Rai. Not being able to evade this attack and it wrapped around him and the blade placed a nice gash on his left leg. She slammed her left blade into his shoulder. Blood splattered across her face as Tanaka sank deep into his muscles. She ripped out the now bloody blade. Tanaka unraveled from around Rai and Hisa gave him a right upper cut sending him into the air. She followed and drop kicked him back into the ground.
“Ha…haha.hahahahaha.” Rai laughed slowly standing up. “Are you finished? Because now it’s my turn to play a little game.” He laughed evilly picking up his zanpaktou.
“What?” Hisa gasped being knocked into another barrier that he quickly formed around them.
Sparks flew as she blocked his first strike.
“Come on Hisa lets have fun. I want to see you slowly bleed to death. Or maybe you would like to join me?” He slammed her against a wall pushing down harder on his blade. “To be honest with you I’ve always wanted to fight you. But, not against your shikai. Oh well”
“Rai just stop this nonsense and let’s go home.” Hisa said pushing him away.
“This is home. I am home.” He laughed.
He flash stepped inches away from her and placed a hand on her cheek. “Come now Hisa don’t be that way.”
Her heart was pounding as his face got closer to hers.
“You know you can’t handle doing such a thing to such a close friend who’s been there for you.”
‘He’s right I, I can’t do that to him. I wouldn’t be able to.’ She thought.
“Hisa He’s toying with you don’t listen to him.”
‘V-Vathana, but how?’
She looked over to the group and saw Vathana trying to cut through the first barrier and never leaving eye contact with Hisa.
“I see he made here alive.” Rai smirked. “But I won’t let him take you. They won’t take you away from me.”
“You’ve lost it.” She finally said snapping her gaze back to Raidon.
“I’m simply stating the truth.” He corrected.
She pushed him away and holding her right hand in front of her face.
“Well someone’s protective today aren’t they?” An evil smirk plastered on his face.
“Don’t underestimate me Rai. I will bring you back even if it kills me.” Her spiritual pressure spun around her.
“How interesting shall we test this new power I found. But can your shikai over come my Bankai?” Rai stretched his blade into the air.
“Don’t get cocky now Rai. It might just end up being your down fall.” Hisa whispered to herself.
“Ban-Kai!” They shouted in unison.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * *
Well I did some of my part. I decided to do this one in third person because I can describe a battle better when I write in third person. Kind of strange because when I write in third person I place my self in the person’s shoes. Things also play out like an episode in my mind when ever I type. Weird… Well ttfn tata for now.
