A Lost Cause...

Taichi was surrounded by various armor vessels.
"20 of them? This isn't a battle, it's a play date." He said with a raised eyebrow. He smashed everyone single one of them with only one hand.
"They really let they're standards go..." Taichi sighed, striding through the halls. He turned a corner just as Akane ran into him.
"Hey, watch where you're-" She started to say, but when she looked up she turned pale. Everyone behind her hesitated in silence. Hiroshi took it upon himself to break it.
"Holy crap, Rai's an arrancar!!!" He shouted, pointing. Taichi flicked him in the head. Just as he turned around to head for the stairs, everyone that was there; minus Hiro, who was on the ground in pain; had there zanpakuto to Taichi's back. He sighed, unfazed.
"Relax, I"m not here to slaughter lambs." Taichi said, turning around with his hands raised.
"Then why are you here, hmm? To finish what you started with Raidon?" Suchi asked, stepping closer.
"Haven't you heard the term: 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'? Besides, I've got a score to settle here. Now will let me do my own thing before time runs out?"
"What do you mean 'time'?" Hisa asked lowering her guard. Taichi lowered his hands.
"Yakunan and The Mistress are going to make Rai bring the apocalypse . The Destiny Plume, which is ingraved in his zanpakuto, is a ticking time bomb once enough sin is wrought. Once Rai goes berserk, we've only got until he unleashes bankai and uses the Shadow Nibelung, The Unholy Lance, and destroys everything." He explained. A chill ran down everyone's spine.
Rai was running along the castle roof, carrying Toma and avoiding Yakunan's attacks.
DAMMIT!!! He thought as he was grazed by another gauntlet. I can't keep this up! I have one last rick up my sleeve, but I need both hands... He leaped t another roof, but landed wrong and fell to the ground. Toma landed a few feet away, as did Akumamitsukai. As he started to get up, a gauntlet was inches away from his face.
"No more games." Yakunan said as he went for the finishing punch, but then a Cero came out of nowhere and blasted him off of his feet. across the roof, Taichi was standing, hand smoking. Everyone one else was just coming up the stairs. Hiroshi was out of breath.
"Why... is there... always... a staircase..." He said between breaths.
"Normally, I would nag you about eatting too much junk food, but nows not the time." Akane scolded, wagging her finger. Just then, Rai came over and put Toma on the ground in front of them.
"Sorry for dragging you into this, but now I've got to finish it." He said as he ran for his zanpakuto. after picking it up, he began to run after Yakunan.
"Damn it, Rai, don't go after him!" Hisa shouted, unleashing her shikai and running after him. Before anyone else could react, Yumei appeared before them, figure releasing a dark aura.
"Welcome back, Master Taichi." She said, more darkness flowing. "Now allow me to show you the exit..." Her figure became covered in darkness and the aura grew. A giant shadow like creature came out, teeth bared, wings folded, and eye's glowing a bright purple. A gemstone gleamed on it's head.
"At last, I see the monster you really are..." Taichi said twirling his zanpakuto, unleashing shikai. "I"m sorry to ask this, but can you guys take care of this? I need to stop Raidon if he goes berserk." He said, glancing back.
"Don't worry about it. But you owe us all something big once we win!" Akane said pumping her arm.
"Thanks." Taichi said, and then ran after Hisa and Rai.
Yakunan was retreating to the back courtyard, badly injured.
"You've better have everything set up!" He said to himself. looking back, he saw Raidon gaining. Rai placed the sword infront of his face and closed his eyes.
"Awaikenankoku, Akumamitsukai!" The blade split apart into a demonic glaive and a holy sword. Rai then threw something as Yakunan leaped off the roof. Yakunan turned around nd saw the Destiny Plum flying at him at high speeds. Once it hit, a giant dark aura of energy enveloped and began to destroy him. Still in the air, it ended suddenly and the Plume flew back at Raidon, who bound off the roof, both blades behind his head.
"Ikatsuiadauchi!" He shouted as he deliverd a cross-slash. Yakunan fell, bleeding greatly as Rai landed, reverting his shikai back to normal.
Whoa, that takes alot outta me... I can only hold my shikai like that for a few seconds, ut it was worth it... He thought as he sat down, exhausted. Hisa caught up to him just as Yakunan landed on the edge of a circle.
"Rai, when will you ever listen to me?!" She yelled kicking his shin. Rai got up and hopped around in pain.
"Well, excuse me for being a hero!" He replied, angerly. "I just ened this whole conflict!"
"Far from it, boy." A female voice came from nowhere. A transparent hooded figure aproached. Rai catiously backed up, slowly enterng the circle without noticing. "That was just a prologue, now it's time for the finale." She said just as Taichi showed up, carrying another sealed zanpakuto in its steath. "Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in."
"Where have you been, and what's with the spare." Hisa asked, glancing at te blood red steath.
"Just got a little something from that fountain. I owe your friends for buying me time, so I got something for the guy who can't run 10 flights of stairs."
"He has a name."
"Not the time right now." Taichi said, looking at The Mistress. "Long ime, no see."
"Yes, quite some time. How long ago was it when you left? 10, 12 years?" She said, tilting her head. "No matter, the pieces are in place."
"Game, set, match!" Yakunan said, letting is blood drip on the circle. The circle began to glow a bright blue. Rai began to give off a dark aura and clutched his stomach.
"Ahh...it's burning... my soul's BURNING!!!" He cryed out as he fell to the ground. dark energies began to flow from all over to Rai. As the aura grew, so did the whirlwind that surronded it. No one could get in the circle. Rai was shourded in a dark aura, as as he got up. His face was blank, eye's cloudy and mouth sligthtly open.
"Now my pawn!" The Mistress said, pointing at Taichi and Hisa, "Destroy them!!!" A white rune appeared under Raidon.
"Harken the angel summons, the true path shall guide you. Fid peace in annilation." Rai voice echoed inumanly as 3 large runes appeared behind him. They shot out beams of light that stuck in The Mistress.
"Wait, no, stop-" She begged, but Rai could hear no one.
"Phantom Destruction!" He yelled as the unes lined up and shot a beam that erased all existance of The Mistress.
"In my hand, the sword that summons eteral sleep. Now hnor our pact and hear my command!" The White rune under Rai turned orange and large pillars of fire began to circle and move in on Yakunan. They died down as they united under him, completely extinguished.
"Animate Earth!" Rai shouted, as an even large pilliar of flame erupted, leaving no traces of Yakunan.
"And so it begins..." Taichi said as he got into a bettle position.
