
Akane watched Hisa cry in Vathana’s arms. It killed her to see her best friend break down and cry.
‘She is always so strong, and I’m always in the background being the softer, weaker on. Not that being weaker than an experienced friend is something to be ashamed of…’
Akane’s thought was interrupted.
“If you are sick of being on the back burner, you and only you can change that.”
‘Who… Oh, wait, I know you...’
“Yeah, you have always known me; and I have always known you.”

‘S-ss…’ Akane couldn’t get the words right. They were right there, but…
“Sosobutai, you are my graceful element.’
“That’s my girl. Go with your gut, and I will be there to help you. Always.”

“Hey guys.” Akane said out loud. “Lets patch up and hit the road; we still have a ways to go.” She walked over to Hisa and held out her hand.
Hisa looked at it and a small smile played on her lips.
“You have protected us for a long time chick, it’s time for us to grow our own wings and realize that we can take care of ourselves. This is a test for Rai and he will pass. We just need to be there just incase he screws up a little.” Akane smiled as Hisa took her hand. “Now let’s get you bandaged up and we can get going. I can tell that you want to go right now, but just wait a little bit. Make Rai work for support, it shouldn’t be for free.” She winked at her friend “He has been training very hard, don’t underestimate him, have a little faith.”
Hisa looked towards the source of Rai’s spiritual pressure. “Okay.” She whispered
* * ** * * * * ** *** * * *
I just wanted to be kind of a bravehearts lol
