Discovered with Troubles

Rain began to fall on Rai's face. He began to sit up slowly and look around him.
What is this, some kind of castle courtyard...? He thought as he jumped to his feet.
The courtyard was stereo-typical of a semi-emo, gothic theme, with dead tree, and a fountain. Approaching it, he saw something red coming from the top, filling the basin.
"Sweet, tomato juice!" Rai said, dipping his hand in, but the his face turned grim.
This... isn't tomato juice... is it... The liquid was luke-warm. Pulling his hand out of the fountain, Rai begn to wipe his hand, using a dead fern.
I can't believe I mistook blood for tomato juice... When he made sure the blood was off his hand, he decide to find a way out of there.
"Now lets see..." Rai saw a gigantic door beyond the fountain, and went through it. Inside he heard echoing voices.
"We've got company." Came a deep male voice.
"How do you think we shall 'toy' with them?" Came a familiar female voice.
"How about, you give them a warm welcome... but don't reveal your true self. The Mistress needs you yet."
"Yes Master Yakunan." Footsteps came down the hall. Rai quickly ducked and hid behind a suit of armor.
"Don't try to hide, Master Raidon. You're welcome here." A voice came from behind. Whirling around, Rai saw a girl with dark brown hair and pale blue eye's, wearing a maid suit.
"Umm... hi...?"
"My name is Yumei. I"m sorry about the crude methods I used before." the maid said, bowing your room is on the fifth floor, last door to the right. Now if excuse me..."
Yumei vanished with the blink of an eye.
Swiftly looking around, the castle seemed extemely emo and gothic.
Well, I really can't do anything now to try to find a way out. Running down the hall, he became instantly lost.
"Umm. now where am I?"
