Welcome to Shinigami Academy. A school for souls who wish to become a shinigami. By enrolling in this academy, you are one step closer to become a member of Gotei 13.

Alrite, here's the thing. anyone who is interested can join this academy. you will start as a new student (1st grade, 10pts will be awarded upon enrolment). if u complete a task/ join activity you will be promoted to higher grade. the highest grade is 4, after that u will graduate and join the Gotei 13 (the journey wont ends here..).

1st grade: 1-30 points
2nd grade: 31-80 pts
3rd grade: 81-180 pts
4th grade: 181-250pts

ok, if u like to join,pm me with these details of your OC

-squad that u wish to be in
-fav captain
-place of origin (seireitei or rukongai)
-do u have any friend/family in Gotei 13? if yes please state their name and squad no.
-do u have any skill/power/special ability

that's all for now. if u have any questions or anything just leave your comments here or simply pm me.

>>> tho the 'class' have already started, we are still accepting new students. so just send in your application if u are interested.


-Name- points (grade):

-Kokoro Tokushi - 165 (3)
-Suchi-ru Harmony - 120 (3)
-Hisa Yuki - 336 (OFFICER)
-Vathana Hadachi - 212 (4)
-Toko Namonje - 113 (3)
-Kikyo Aburame -75 (2)
-Renton - 13(1)
-Kira Yamaneko - 54(2)
-Toma Kuchiki - 205 (4)
-Takeshi Ray - 62 (2)
-Akane Kasomi - 81 (3)
-Raidon Takumi - 227 (4)
-Hiroshi Tsubasa - 10 (1)
-Tendo Hiruma - 65 (2)
-Yoko Minamino - 65 (2)
-Mchile - 60 (2)

-List of Assignments /Tasks
>Assignment 1 - Soul Society
>Assignment 2 - Riddles :submit your answers before october 9 2009
>Assignment 3: Shinigami's New Year (ends Jan 15,2010)
>Assignment 4: Interview (ends May 11,2010)

>Soccer Rules

Student Profile (Wolfgamer's OC)

-name: Raidon Takumi

: 16

-appearance: black spikey hair, green eyes, 5 foot 8, slight tan, wears dragon necklace Taichi (father) gave him

-personality: kind, caring, has laughing problem, slightly short tempered, relaxed, will fight to death defending a friend, keeps opinion to self, slightly childish, yet sometimes serious, impish

-squad that u wish to be in: 4, 6, 10, or 13, but NOT SQUAD 12!

-fav captain: Unohana, Shuhei, Toshiro, Ukitake

-place of origin (seireitei or rukongai):Rukongai

-do u have any friend/family in Gotei 13?: no

-do u have any skill/power/special ability: average kido skill, excels at swordplay, cooking, first aid

Getting to know your surroundings

'Troublesome' I thought. 'Why did I enroll here of all places?'. Well, the headmaster left me with the class but with Ichigo and Ikkaku-san there, no good will happen.

Oh well, I am Takeshi Ray, fresh student of the Shinigami Academy. One of the boys watched me closely and said 'So, you are new.'

'Yep' was all I replied, it was going to be troublesome to start a conversation. 'Yeah, I remember now, you are from the Takeshizoku, right?' the boy continued enthusiastically 'I know the background of your clan'

'I do not know what you are talking about, Takeshi being my family name is just some coincidence' I replied with a nice smile.

'Oh, that's true, but going with your blue hair, you...., well, whatever, you are welcome to ask anything you do not understand. Later.'

Strange, I thought he wanted to introduce himself.

So, I left the room. Well, I will do what am really good at, lazing around. 'hey you' someone called behind me 'So, you are the new student.'

I turned to see who.

Someone please run into me. Am short of ideas here...

Student Profile (liveeverysecond's OC)

Name: Akane Kasomi
Appearance: 5ft shoulder length red with purple streaked hair and blue eyes
Personality: At first is shy, but given time is witty, sarcastic and laid back. When in a group she is out going. Alone is quiet and kind of emoish. Loves music. Trust is hard to earn, but once you have it it’s there for life. Does not do well with Kido.
Squad you would like to be in: Doesn’t matter
Fav captain: Toshiro Histugaya
Place of origin: rukongai
Any friend/family in Gotei 13: None
Any skill/power/special ability: Umm, I can… sing?

A Twist

In the the white deserts of Hueco Mundo, Laid the fortress of Los Noches. The kingdom of Hollows. Inside the main hall, Aizen sat on his throne, looking at a reflection of the Shinigami Academy. "Those students have potential," G...

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An old friend comes to school

The bell rang for lunch so Ikkaku decided to finish up the hand to hand combat tomorrow. Everyone quickly left the room after he was finished talking. I grabbed an apple out of lunch and headed out side to one of the trees and sat in the shade. I sighed look up at the sky threw the leaves gently swaying in the breeze.
“Hisa, are you coming?” Toko Shouted.
“Where to?” I holard back.
“Soccer practice.” He replied.
“Right coming.” I stated getting up and running towards them.
Toko and Vathana were waiting for me.
“We told the team that we would come and get you.” Toko said.
“We should get moving then so no one else takes the field” Vathana sighed pointing in the opposite direction.
All three of us ran towards the field. I spun around some one that was in my way. I didn’t look back to see who it was that I almost ran into.
We got to the point in practice where I was finally in net and the rest of the team was playing rapid fire on the net. I was doing well none of the balls went into the net.
“Hisa is that you?!” A girls voice called from the other side of the field.
I forgot what I was doing and looked around to see who it was.
“Hisa!” Vathana shouted kicking a rocket strait at me.
It slammed me in the gut and I stumbled back into the net the ball steeling net to me in the net.
“All right I want to know who distracted me right now so I can pound them into the dirt.” I demanded a tad bit ticked that I was in the net the ball was right next to me in the net.
“You haven’t changed a bit have you?” A girl with red hair with purple streaks through out her hair laughed walking up to the group of four.
“A-Akane?!” I stuttered.
“That’s right!” She laughed with a big smile on her face.
“When did you get here?” I asked stunned.
“I was the one you almost ran into.” She replied.
“Oh…sorry about that.” I laughed sheepishly.
“Hisa Come on we have to get back to practice.” Vathana sighed.
“Right…well can we talk later I’d rather not take another ball from him unless I’m paying attention.” I stated.
“Sure I have to head to the Headmasters office anyways I’ll catch you later.” Akane said walking away.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
She's not on her yet but she should be here soon. Her info at least. Any ways that's all I got for now.