Back then...

Back long ago I watched you from afar,
But back then I was too scared to talk to you.
Just the sight of you made my heart flutter.
Back long ago I watched you from afar,
But back then I was too scared to talk to you.
A year later you came to me,
You came to me with a smile.
Your smile sent shivers down my spine.
You smiled and simply said “Hi”.
A year later you came to me,
You came to me with a smile.
Now you are my closet friend and my biggest crush,
I want us to be together forever and always.
But just like long ago I can’t find the courage to talk to you about it.
Now you are my closet friend and my biggest crush,
I want us to be together forever and always.

this poem is true and i wrote it for that person but never had the guts to give it to them...
