MNT3K: Chapter 427

I can tell someone's going to enjoy this. I'll try not to enjoy it more.


Chapter begins with Kishimoto, once again, trying to convince us that Konohamaru is a legitimate non-comic relief character that we should all take seriously. Once again, this would be fine if he hadn't turned himself into Sasuke and Sai making out in his last noteworthy appearance. He claims he can't run away from this fight because if he does, Naruto won't be waiting for him in their final epic battle for the throne of Konoha or whatever. Alternatively, if he fights now, he will die unless Kishi mods him to Sasuke-like proportions. Can't fight yer rival if you're dead, kid.

Cut to Naruto, who's still trying to gather Sage chakra while moving. Suddenly, he has a revelation.

Which we don't get to find out about, because we immediately cut to Tsunade, who (through a slug) has discovered Kakashi's corpse. I'm guessing that the fact that she just blew the wall away (which, by the way, Pein is really needing no help with right now,) I'll go ahead and guess that Kakashi is legitimately gone. Choji shows up to report Sith Pein's powers to Tsunade. I would like to point out right now that It's really a good thing Kakashi didn't die in vain. His death was lame, but at least it was meaningful, in a way. I mean, just imagine if Chouza survived inst-

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This is complete bullcrap. The reason Kakashi died was to allow Choji a chance to escape after the shock of losing his father. Guess what didn't happen? HE DIDN'T LOSE HIS STUPID THROWAWAY CHARACTER FAT LARD FATHER. Chouzo was still alive when the sacrifice was made. Kakashi had much more going for him at the time, including a huge fanbase and much more room for development. Chouza, in contrast, is a throwaway one-use type of character that was basically invented just to prove that ninjas still have families. He never really needed to be in the series beyond the occasional "Hey everyone's fighting so Chouza is too" or "here are the ninjas at home with their family" scene. Chouza should have been the one making the sacrifice.

Even not considering all that, let's think about this: Kakashi has, like, no motivation to protect Chouji other than the ever-present "comrade of leaf, keep him alive if you can." He's not the Choji's team leader, that was Asuma (also dead, though at least he had a damn reason to die.) As for Chouza, he's the boy's father. It makes much more sense for him to be doing the heroic noble sacrifice to protect his son, who is not a random Chunin he's never really spent enough time with to grow fond of.

But no, Kakashi dies instead, because Kishi is hellbent on destroying any kind of enjoyment his fans will get from seeing a character return. Who's left, anyway? Iruka? He could basically be written out around now and nobody would notice. Tsunade? Kill her until she dies from it. Yamato? He's only interesting for comic relief. Gai? Half of his dynamic just died with Kakashi.

No, I'm going to have to just say "Screw you" back, Kishi. I'm going to say it and then against my better judgment I'm going to keep reading this dreck.

Chakra Glutton Pein ('cuz he's fat, see) is trying to retrieve the original summoner body. He's going to have to go through Kiba and his mom first, though. Since they tend to go for the tear your limbs off thing, I'd say he's going to have a little trouble here. Konan is Shino's responsibility. Yeah, I don't get it either. Also, Team Gai has finally realized that stuff is going down. Since no one can be bothered to contact them and add to their defense the two most ridiculously powerful taijutsu specialists in the village, not to mention the resident genius and... Whatever the hell Tenten is supposed to do. I dunno, Kishi never gave her any development.

In the meantime, Sith Pein has found Tsunade. She recognizes Yahiko, it seems, and the chapter ends on a cliffhanger that is obviously building up to a fight. Crossing my fingers for Tsunade's death here.
