Quiz Time!! (Tagged by FallenAngel 01!)

A little quiz!
You have to answer each question truthfully
Here we go!

(I don’t get me wrong, it says truth and note: some of the sentence is not from me)

What's your name? Zac (part of my real name…and no I’m not telling you!)

Age? 15 + (hah!)

Favorite colour(s)? Red, Black, White …and every color!! Mwhahahahahahah!

Favorite band(s)/singer(s)? I don’t per say fav…but all good

Favorite anime? I don’t per say fav…but all good

Favorite T.V show (not anime)? I don’t per say fav…but all good

Favorite manga? I don’t per say fav…but all good

Favorite Book/series? …I don’t read much

Favorite Videogames? Whoa! You want me to get THE List?

Do you have a pet? What is it? What is it's name? Nickname? Breed? …I don’t have any pets right now...

Who do you live with? My parents, two sisters, and one bro

Got any brothers? Sisters? I already told you I’ve one bro and two sis’s!

Where do you live? Malaysia…sorry don’t know actuall place

Do you go to school? Yes

Where do you go to school? Um…it’s a private home schoolling system school so I don’t know

Are you in a relationship? No

Do you wish you were? I don’t think so…yeah no

What's your favorite food? Again you want me to take out THE List? (note: I like all (per say certain) foods)

What's your favorite animal(s)? Wolf (definitely that!), bears, tigers,…I think it’s a WHOLE List.

Do you have more than one account on the otaku? No…yet

Did you ever have a account but erased it before this one? Yes
what was your username?
Ok it may sound stupid … ShadowTro (I think can’t remember!)

Do you have a lot of friends on theO? Why yes! Of course!

Do you like how your life is going? *shrugs* I dunno but it’s cool

If you could go back in time, would you? I would and won’t….but definitely would!

Do you do something that you and/or others wish you didn't do? Yes, both physically, emotionally, and mentally…

Do you usually talk to others when your upset? Maybe, but I get happy very fast!!

Are you kind? Sometimes….wish to be more kind

Are you funny? Sometimes…though my jokes stink like poo

Forgot to ask this before! When's your Birthday? 25th of August! Yup! I’m a Virgo!

Anyone in your family died? Yeah…my grandma…*sniff*

Wish someone should just go away? Yes, but not die or anything, just not involve in my life

Do you like to draw? DUH!!

What's your hobbies? Drawing, thinking (a lot!), playing games, going on the computer, sufing the waves of the internet, and ….I think I need THE list

What colour is you hair? Black!

Eye colour? Dark brown looks like black!

Got any piercings? …dude you do realize I’m a dude right? I don’t pierce

Do you have tattoos? Stuff like that? Scars, cuts, wounds…the sort but no tattoos…I’m crossing the line on that!

Do you wear fake eyelashes? Again I’m a dude!

Fake nails? AGAIN I'M A DUDE!!

Do you have long nails? Sometimes if I leave It too long

What Halloween costumes have you worn? I don’t do Halloween

Did you enjoy the quiz? I think yeah!

Would you want a part 2nd the quiz? ...there's more? 0_0

so if you’ve read this and are reading this, you’re reading this right? Ya? Okay them, I tag YOU!!
When you use this quiz keep the original tittle!

(Psst if you don’t want to do it don’t but I’m still tagging!)
