Our of Boredom

This post is really just because im sitting in here in
the summer art class i never signed up for and im super
bored but i cant go home for another half an hour.
So im going to blog here about what it is that is going
on right now.

I got up at 6 this morning because my forsaken stomach
was and has been empty for 2 days (there is little food
in my house and i am too lazy to make up a list of food
i want). So i had a waffle :\ it was not delicious and
I did not enjoy it at all by any means.

Anywho. Then I got on the computer for an hour. (wewt!)
to RP with by bestie/new wiffey Chips before she
informed me she had to leave so I logged off and now
i just checked my dA to realize she did leave...but she
came back half an hour later. >3< so faack that.

I finished touching up my Fruits Basket table =D ill have
to see if I can get a picture of it sometime soon. it isnt
too good cuz im not the best painter but i tried. Then I
had some nasty pizza. But my stomach was empty so i decided
icky food is better than no food.

And now im sitting here writting this and posting on DLS
on GaiaOnline and taking in all the compliments on how
very orange my hair is now ^O^

So....now that i just realized i DO have something to work

/end random blog with no point hence the word random
