We are all Sentinels. Whether you accept this fact or not, when your soul dies you become a guardian of a star and from thenceforward, you fight and protect the star until you are worthy enough to pass into the gates of The Unknown. To let a star fade is unacceptable, to betray your star is unheard of, but to take another’s star for your own gain is an act of treason. We are the champion of the stars and it is our job to see to it that you never break any of these rules. We are the Sentinels of the Starry Skies.

I Am A Star

I Am A Sentinel

How Does This Work?

Brace Yourselves

I'm going to attempt to do the most dangerous thing known to man: Explain this RP in one post... starting NOW!


Where did this idea come from?

The idea of this RolePlay was based off the idea of a book that I ran by Byakuyarox1 like a year and a half ago and she was like: 'Go for it!' Needless to say, I only got to page 5 and I was deleting everything left and right-- it was a massacre. The plot of the original story was about a girl named Marcella and how she had died and then became a Sentinel, but that's about as far as it got.
Since I didn't want the idea to die, I'm presenting it to you guys on the O in hopes that you can do more with it than me :)

How should I post?

Okay, that just wasn't phrased right, but it sounded way better in my head. The style of this RP is posting by works of literature...? Here's an example of lit-type posts: Mythological Creatures Club [I love this club to death]
I find it easier to write this way, but if you have a new approach, just let us know! :)

How will I know what to post?

Weeeeeellllll~ This one is tricky. I know school is coming up and it can be tough to keep up with homework and the internet, but school always comes first (unless you count I before S and that is always a fabulous excuse). Don't tell your mom we told you to slack off! As for what you need to post, it's pretty relaxed. There will be scenarios as the story continues and from there you'll tell us how (and what) your character reacted to it, but in between you can post little slices of life or continuous dramas going on with your character and everyone else. Try to fit in one post a week so we know you're alive and make the story line as dramatic as you can with every post! Okay, not really dramatic, but not suicidal boring :p I know you guys will get the hang of it.

And just a few tips for a healthier life----- Jk! Maybe a few rules, perhaps?

Be kind. I know we're not in first grade, but some people just don't get this concept =___= I have faith that you guys will exercise control and not verbally beat-up people and mug them. You may love somebody violently on here, but don't violently practice your love ;)

Try to keep your language mild. Remember, there's people who are both younger and older than you and sometimes they won't appreciate cursing. Also cursing will make you die faster that's why I look so young and youthful (just kidding!)

And lastly, try and remain as close to the character you provided. We won't get all cray-cray on you if you decide to add more characters and accidentally forget which is which, but try and keep track of who you make! Unless your character undergoes a mid-life crisis and decides to change genders, then nothing shy of that won't surprise us.

Make Me a Star

Don't waste your time being a Sentinel when you could be a Star. Show your true colors!


Name [You can choose one from here if you want, but creativity is what makes you awesome!]:

Sentinel [You must have one]:

Number [Tell us what number you rank in brightness. Those who apply first will have the first choice of numbers 3-18*]

Height [Most Stars who aren't Sun Children are over 7 ft tall. Your brightness will determine your height too]:







Weapons of choice [Remember! Light plays a factor into what you can summon from your own aura]:

Stationed [Choose anywhere you want, whether it's at the beginning of the Path or towards the end. Anything is acceptable!]:

Interesting Facts [If your heart really desires to fill this out, go ahead!]:


Have you just burst out of your nebula?! What are you doing lollygagging around the new recruits? Send you application to Xuian and join your Sentinel right now!

*To have Stars, we need Sentinels! For special purposes, the Sun is not considered a Star and neither Sirius or Canopus can be taken at the moment. Deepest apologies.

**Sun Children are the lesser Stars which radiate light around those who are dimmer than most. They're very much like children and don't usually reach higher than 4 ft. There's so many of them it's easy to confuse one with another. If you'd like to make a Sun Child, just know they can't fight but make excellent messengers and companions. No Sentinel is required.

Make Me a Sentinel

So you think you have what it takes to be a Sentinel? Let's see what you've got!


Full Name:

Age [You stop aging when you die, so choose your age carefully]:

Date of Death:



Appearance [Hair, eyes, ect... make them as real as possible!]:



Family/Friends [Don't feel bad if you don't have either]:

How Did You Die:


It's great to see fresh faces among the Sentinels, recruit. Welcome to the team.
Message Xuian your application when you're done and I'll see what the Gate Keeper can do for you. In the meantime, keep your eyes on the Road!

Questions You'll Probably Have

So what exactly is a Sentinel...?
A Sentinel is a person who is caught in a stasis where they are neither in Heaven or Hell, but rather showing purity and humbleness of heart by protecting souls traveling to Heaven. Not everyone becomes a Sentinel when they die, rather you're chosen by the Master Designer. The act of becoming a Sentinel is when you are paired with a Star.

Do they have super powers?
No, not exactly. Sentinels are like you and me... except they're dead. Just by dying, they don't inherit some kick-butt powers, but their physical infirmities (i.e. broken arm, wheelchair bound, deaf...) are replaced with a fully functioning body. The most they will get is an extra 'glow' ;)

What is a Star?
You answered your question there: a Star is a star. From Earth they look like pinpoints of light, but up close they look like humans... just really tall and they glow constantly. When a new Sentinel is transferred to this stasis-type place, a star is paired with them and they become a team. [This is confusing, I know]

What can Stars do?
Based on what Star has chosen you, that is where your power will lie. The first 9 stars are going to be the most powerful [not counting the Sun], 10-18 are the second most powerful, and the remaining stars are lesser in stature and power. Here's the link I used to look up the stars according to brightness. The Stars gain power from the light surrounding them and can manipulate it to produce anything from a sword to a flower. Those beyond 18 will have trouble generating anything more dangerous than a dagger.

What are Sentinels supposed to do and what do the Stars have to do with it?
As mentioned in the last question, Sentinels (which means guardians) are paired with Stars to make sure people crossing to Heaven actually make it. There are shadows and dark entities who are raging along the lines of empty space and they try to tear people off the path. It is the job of the sentinel and star to protect everyone that crosses.

Where does this take place? This isn't Heaven?
Nope! It's not Heaven and most of the interactions will begin in the Transitional Road, which is the link between the Sentinel's world and Heaven. Sentinel's do not cross this road, but they are stationed along it to protect those passing through to 'the other side'.


Still confused?

If you're having trouble understanding anything in here or just curious about the club, PM me! I don't bite, I promise~