Blog Entry #65

I'm very proud about this picture I drew! >.< It's extremely pretty (in my eyes!). So... here's a linkie!

And if you don't want to look at it... then... at least read this poem I wrote ^^

When all is gone
And there's no more hope
No reason to smile
And no way to cope
You sit and cry
Just to feel
Since your heart is cold
And held with a seal
It seems no one loves you
You've run your course
They won't love you
They feel no remorse
You hide away
Where no one can see
Crying to yourself
On how it used to be
Then someone finds you
Vulnerable and shy
He wraps his arms around you
And lets out a sigh
Suddenly hope is returned
Your heart was freed
The chaos around you
No longer of greed
The light has returned
A shine in your eyes
Nothing bothered you
Not even the goodbyes
You were at home
Alone in his arms
Since you knew
He would do you no harm


I'm a poet... go figure! I'm a dancer... couldn't tell? I'm a romantic... don't you feel it? ^^ I just thought I'd point that out! I hope you guys have a great weekend! ^^ I'm going to go and see Alice in Wonderland tomorrow with my sister, her friend, her boyfriend (maybe), and her friends boyfriend. But her friend doesn't like me too much... since her friends boyfriend liked me at one point! I'll see you guys later...

Failure of the day: "One, Two, Three, Pull!" "You will pull only when I tell you to woman!" *Stare* "BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

A Lover
