Blog Entry #64

Today was a strange day... first... we did Yoga in gym... (My ass still hurts from that >.<) then my day went pretty well, except for Bio... my friend Thane, he leaned in a little to close to me... and took a huge wiff of my hair... and he goes, "You smell... you smell..." Another wiff, "YOU SMELL LIKE GRASSROOTS!" I was so utterly confused... and then he got OTHER PEOPLE to smell me dammit! >.< I DID NOT APPRECIATE THAT! Then HE kept sniffing me the whole period! I swear I was gonna break his nose! He even tried to TASTE it once! HOLY HELL IT WAS CREEPY! I felt violated... good thing he's like my brother or I would think he was trying to hit on me in a very... odd... way... HE'S DATING MY BEST FRIEND DAMMIT! >.< HE IS SUCH A CREEP! (He wants to open up a sex toy store... with MPD's... if you want to know what that is... which you don't... I'll message it to you later... it's not appropriate.)

AND! ON TOP OF THAT!! I don't know... here's a little Yaoi picture I thought was adorable! ^^ Ulquiorra looks so cuuuuuuuute! ^w^

(Isn't he adorable?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!)

