Blog Entry #37

Today I got the complete Sherlock Holmes collection xD I'm enjoying it so far xD. And I've got a bunch of pictures to upload... (must not forget that >.<) I have so much fun drawing Lolita and emo stuff xD. But today I only made one picture, a Goddess of the Wild and Artemis the God of the Hunt. Artemis looks sexy xD. *Is shot*

*Plays with lip ring, well... lip safety pin xD* OH! And I'm trying to come up with a list of 100 things I want to do before I die, and all I know is right now I definitely want to finish a fan comic... >.< (it seems like it's never going to happen though xD) The closest I've gotten is Vampire's Kiss >.< Which got to be about 40 pages long, but the drawings sucked ass! xD!

Here's an awesome band my sister introduced me to, Black Veil Brides, but if you don't like screamo then I suggest not listening xD

And if you're curious what I look like right now... (well how wouldn't be, I'm sexy xD KIDDING!)

Hope you guys have a great Wednesday ^^

Lolita in black
