Final Fantasy X is now over T__T

Hiya everyone!! I just beat Final Fantasy X and the ending was waaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too sad T___T I definitely recommend it to those that haven't played it yet! The battles are long and tedious sometimes but eventually you'll get through it and get to watch an amazing ending! *nods*
Now on to KH Re:CoM xD my updates have officially been set to once a week T__T Gomen ne everyone for lack of activity...but I shall try to as soon as finals and my Spanish play project are over!

My weekend otherwise has been quite busy so far...on friday I went to my friend's house to work on our spanish project and then we went to watch a play and it was hilarious! xD It's called Daddy's Dyin': Who's Got the Will? Yeah...the title already sounds weird =P But it was really funny~!
On top of that, I got to see Terminator Salvation yesterday and it is definitely one of the best movies I've ever seen! ^^ I absolutely recommend it to you all to go see!
Speaking of movies, have any of you seen Star Trek? I've heard that it was good, but I don't really know what it's about ^^:

Well, I've got some work to do so I'll talk to you all later! I'm sorry for not commenting...I really have gotten lazy and busy as well T__T Finals finals finals...*sighs*
Anyways, take care everyone! I love you guys!<3
