New Year Wishes!

Hiya everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR! ^^(well, where I am anyway xD It's still 2008 where some of you guys are =P)
I've thought about it for a while and I've decided on quite a few resolutions this year~ I'm planning to be more ambitious with my goals this year...probably more than ever before!

New Year's Resolutions of 2009:
-Understand and communicate more with people around me
-Stand up for myself and get one step closer to overcoming guilt
-Begin 2 mangas this year...and get far!(KH Fan manga, and my original story! Which I've only told some of you about =P)
-Improve more in my art: more importantly, become a master of CGing and practice lots with my coloring!
-DRAW MORE ART =P I'll DEFINITELY do this one this year! Count on it! ^^
-Keep studying hard
-Find a bit more happiness with the people I'm friends with instead of focusing on myself so much sometimes
-Become more consistent!
-ULTIMATE RESOLUTION: Be a better friend to you all! =P I feel like I haven't done enough for you guys, and you deserve more than just what I gave last year!

My New Year's Wishes:
-To get the chance to maybe meet one of you this year!(I don't know how, but I hope I'll be able to some way)
-To get my parents to understand me and listen to me, finally.

That's just some of them =P There are plenty of others, but the list would go on forever otherwise xDD
I love you guys!! Happy New Year and thank you for such a wonderful 2008 with me!! ^^ Old and new friends, I appreciate every one of you: so thank you for being there for me and I'm so excited to spend another wonderful year with you all! *hugs you all* Take care!
