And the memories just came flooding back...(a post regarding theOtaku's older members)

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Hiya everyone!! I've got new art up, but more importantly, I've got a bit of an announcement for a few people on here =P

[THE FOLLOWING GOES OUT TO A CERTAIN FEW PEOPLE(as well as some others): RSRkingdomstars, Kokkoii-Matoku, Fire Fox Sakurie, iKarebear, FUNimation, Cherryshock, Milkshakesss, and Sora Hanaki]
If you're an older member of theOtaku and a friend of mine(or at least, a person of my day xD), then Cherri-chan and I need your help~
This might sound a bit odd but we're planning on bringing the old theOtaku members back with a HUGE comeback! Every friday we can, we'll start by each posting a piccy with a theme. Each day for the weekend, there will be a new theme piccy that will need posting, and then there'll be a break on weekdays since no one is really on.
Comment-wise, we'll all comment each other and bring back the old theOtaku spirit again! Get the word around to older members back from your heyday that we all know! *nods* And pm-ing works too!
The surprise and comeback comes with the huge surge of pics from older artists that people have kind of forgotten~it'll be a pretty noticeable comeback because there will be soo many pics of the same theme(and besides, some of you older artists already have quite a name here =P).
So let's remind theOtaku of theO's older characters and older artists! The first theme we're planning on is back-to-school art to post for next friday, so if you guys can, try and throw in something! Even if it's a sketch, maybe colorize it to make it showy or shade it some~! If you guys want to make a comeback, a showy piece is probably gonna do the trick~! *nods*

So let me know and comment here if you guys are interested! You know who you are =P
Take care everyone<3
