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Hiya everyone~~ I'm back from Orlando and gosh it's great to be back! Although I had an incredible time at Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios yesterday, it's never the same as being at home I guess~ =P By the end of the day yesterday, my feet were soooo sore and had blisters all over and I had a migraine from getting so dizzy from some of the rides xD But overall it was really fun and I don't regret a single minute of it all!(I especially loved the Dueling Dragons roller was RAINING while we rode it LOL)

I was kinda anxious to see how well my latest piccy would do on views but it really really failed compared to what I expected xDD I guess I've still got a lot of hard work to do huh?(130 views...not that fantastic to me lol but that's alright, I'm just glad some people saw it ^^) And thank you all to those that commented~ I have a full update box to go through today so expect a flood of comments to come around!

But anyway, it's great to be back! *super hugs you all* I shall get to PMs today and I'm sorry I didn't let you guys know earlier~ see you all around and take care!
