*still has head down on desk*

Good morning everyone...or afternoon rather. *sighs*

I come on and see Unknown-chan's pic and then I feel absolutely horrible. It makes no sense because I want to stand up for my friends and fellow artists but at the same time not act childish. And I guess I still am very much childish and immature and have a lot to learn.

It really isn't often that I snap. In fact, I usually never do xD But lately things just haven't been going my way and everything is just kind of a blur for me in real life right now. I guess ranting about the art thief was just another way for me to let out my stress from right now.

In one way, however, I appreciate the art thief's work because it made me realize how close I am to other artists on here and I even happened to become friends with Reenigrl after prolonging it for who knows how long xD So yay for Reeni-chan! <3
TheOtaku is actually a really small world. Even if I haven't said hi or anything to the artist, I've at least seen their work/style and recognize them on here. I didn't know the full extent of how close I was to other artists on here that I have never met before until the art thief came around.

Anyway...I've been working on new art, so expect that sometime ^^
I'll see you all around and take care<3
