*puts head down and sighs*

I'm so so sorry everyone I didn't mean to outburst like that....I'm really sorry if I scared or hurt any of you, I didn't mean to act that way.

I've been in such a mess lately...it really has been difficult for me. My dad hasn't been feeling well and he's been feeling more depressed by the day. That really brought up some harsh topics in my house...and the art thief mentioned in my post below wasn't helping.

I recently got into an incredible art auction on gaia(my first, actually!), and I've been spending quite a bit of time with that...and plus it's given me a break from all of this stress I've been having lately. Disney has always brought a smile to my face...even though you guys may not like it as much as I do.

And I was just thinking about critique for a second...one of my friends refuses to accept any on her art and it got me thinking. What's wrong with letting others tell you your mistakes? It isn't done to make you feel bad, it's said to help you improve. And if you can't learn to accept both critique as well as positive comments from others on your art altogether, how can you truly learn to trust yourself as an artist? Just something I was thinking, is all.

I'm having to go back into my school routine of working on assignments everyday...so here goes! Take care everyone and I'll see you all around<3
