
I've run into stupid people in my life, but this one takes the cake for me.

Yesterday in TaeKwonDo we were discussing the recent tournament. I didn't go since I hate tournaments with a fiery passion. But in the midst of talking we were discussing this woman who was new to the tournament scene.

This woman (we'll call her...Flo. :3) was new to the tournament scene. She's only been to one tournament before this one. Well guess what? "Flo" won both poomse and sparring making her think she'll win every time. Or that she DESERVES to win.

So in poomse, Flo went against our white belt Jenny. Guess what? Jenny won first place while Flo got 4th in the group of 4 people. Well, Flo couldn't have that. She even yelled at the judges when their hands rose in favor of Jenny, "What?! I deserved that one! I did better than she did! She rigged this!" ...Ummmmmmmmmm...no one can rig in poomse. It's a very precise art. And the judges know what to look for.

Afterwards she took Jenny aside and said, "Look. I deserve that gold medal. I won in my last tournament. My first one! I was destined to win this time! You stole that from me!" Jenny just said, "Well, why don't you stop acting like the world revolves around you? You're supposed to lose every now and then. Judging by the way you're acting you didn't deserve to win 2nd at your first tournament." Flo then proceeded to try and rip Jenny's gold medal off her neck. That's when Amanda (my instructor's wife) stepped in and quelled the fighting.

So next in sparring Flo was up against our other white belts John and Mo. John beat her with a 7 point spread (when someone gets 7 points ahead they automatically win.) Then Mo (she) beat her 0 to 6. Well, Flo was PISSED. She lost both times and thought she was getting cheated. :/ She actually had her SON go up to John and Mo saying, "You took that medal from my mommy! Look how sad she is!" He then pointed to her sitting in the bleachers PRETENDING to cry her eyes out! Jeeze...people these days, eh?

So as it turned out, "Flo" quit TaeKwonDo that very day. Mr. Rosbarski overheard the conversation of her and her instructor. She was all like, "I've been a winner all my life and I come to this place and lose?! It's YOUR fault! I'm quitting!" Her instructor simply said, "Well, if you can't handle losing you can go ahead and go. We don't need you to ruin our reputation any longer." Her son was reluctant to quit since he liked it, but his mother dragged him away screaming and yelling. o.O Oy...I kinda wish I coulda been there to knock some sense into her. No one messes with the MTC! x3

So yeah. I just wanted to mention that.
