Green Our Vaccines

Do not be THAT alarmed by the title. Well. Be alarmed. But be alarmed in a few seconds. By "Green Our Vaccines", I don't mean dye all of our vaccines green [even though that WOULD be like the BEST thing EVER.] I mean, make them enviromentally friendly. I'm not saying there's trash in our vaccines. I AM saying that there are chemicals in our vaccines. Chemicals that SHOULD NOT be there. Mercury, a very very bad chemical for humans, are found in flu shots. Sucks huh?

Well the suckish news continues. Everyday, a child dies from vaccine related injuries. Isn't that dumb?! A kid died because they were trying to stay healthy? WTH, isn't that just messed up? AND get this-the government refuses to remove the chemicals because they believe that ONE: there is no alternative to the chemicals and that if they removed them, the effectiveness of the vaccine would deteriorate and TWO: that they cannot afford to do more researching to FIND those alternative chemicals.

I'm sorry for being rude in this particular post, but this makes me UBER ANGRY. So this is what I hear when they say that bullshit: "Well we can't save your children because we have our asses too deep in debt because of the great and WONDERFUL war in Iraq. So your dying children are going to have to wait. We have a third world country's government to conform!"

I'm PISSED. Spread the awarness and become pissed with me!

