Sasori: perfect puppet.

I woke up feeling sick to my stomach. I turned around in his bed to see it half empty. WERE DID SASORI GO!!?? I jumped up out of bed so quickly I fell..ow.. "WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME SASORI?!" I yelled out as I got dressed. I ran outside hopeing to catch up with him and Deidara. I was to late. I went back inside and sat on my bed to wait for his return with open arms. I waited...and waited...and waited. I never left our room. Not to eat, (but to pee) nothing. Days went by and still nothing. Weeks and nothing still. "Where was he?" I pondered. I felt weak, but I had to stay here. I looked at the drawer to see a little white paper sticking out. "To: Koche" it said." I want you to know how much I love you. If anything happens in my absence, stay strong. I promise to send something home to let you know I'm ok. -Love forever, Sasori" I cried at the thought of something happening to my love. A few minutes later, Zetsu, a strange guy in a orange, swirly mask, and a arm-less Deidara appeared. But no Sasori. Anger and sadness swelled up in me when I saw the masked man wearing Sasori's ring. "YOU BASTERD!" I yelled out. I charged at the masked man to teach him a lesson about stealing. "WAIT! TOBI IS A GOOD BOY!" Tobi cried out as I got ready to kick his @$$..."Tobi, huh?.......DIE TOBI!" Suddenly Zetsu stoped me. "Few. Thanks Mr. Zetsu." Tobi said. I fell to the floor, in tears, confused, tired, and hungry. "S-sorry, Koche....Sasori..umm....didnt make it...." Deidara said painfully. "No...NO! YOUR LIEING!!! HE CANT DIE! He cant...HE'S TO SMART! NO ONE CAN KILL HIM!! NOTHING!!!!!" I cried out. I stood up and left the hideout pushing Tobi to the floor, as a warning I will kill him if he does anything stupid to me or Sasori's ring. So I set out to find and help my love.