Dost Life Sucketh? Yesth, it doth.

Letter Time

Now see, these letters will only work, if the people they are addressed to actually love me enough to come back here and read them. Though I highly doubt that.

So, to the general public.

Hi guys. I'm sorry once again for not posting much anymore...I know that excuses are excuses, but... I have a good reason.

I'm ... having a cancer scare.

Alrighty, sooo, who knows what BREAST CANCER is? Well, in case you guys don't remember, I had surgery last year to have a lump removed. It was non cancerous. I remember the doctor saying to me "Don't worry, dear. The lump you have now is round, and small, and the edges are smooth, and its mobile, meaning you can move it around. [because if you cannot move it around, that might mean that cancer cells are clumped all around it.] And since they're all those things, I wouldn't worry."

Well I got the thing removed, and lucky me. I don't heal easily at all, and I developed a keyloid scar. (Google that kiddies.) Not a big ugly one, but you'll see why your knowledge of my not healing easily will come in handy later.

Alas, six months ago, I found another lump. This time, I did not remove it; we simply ultra-sounded it. It seemed all good, and the doctor said that if I removed this one, it would somehow make my condition worse?? Yeah, I don't get it either, but, okay.

Well, last week...I checked around my ta ta's , making sure they're okay. And by jove, they were NOT okay. The lump I found six months ago has grown. By a lot. And... there's not definite shape. Its jagged around the edges. And its not mobile.

And plus, it hurts like a mofo when you touch it.

I go to my doctor....she takes a look.... and says "....Well for now, let's do some tests." Before, she said "Oh I'm sure it's nothing, don't worry." This time.. she had a dramatic pause. And she looked at me like she pitied me. :[ She also said that we shouldn't do the biopsy just yet (they put a needle there, and draw some of it out and test it) because the needle apparently would give me another keyloid scar! D: WTF aunt did die of breast cancer.
and, even though I'm a teenager, I'm still technically a "woman in her child bearing years."

my chances are as high as a normal woman. and even higher than that, because genetics are against me.


I don't know what the future has in store for me. But just know, that I haven't forgotten about you guys. I love you. I'm just... busy at the moment.

I love you all.
