Somebody Take Me Away

Song: Sidedish Friend by Rachael Yamagata
Moods: Stressed, Scared?

Haha, love this song! Its about booty calling. ;D <3

Project. Due tomorrow. STRESSED!! GRR

So technically, I'm supposta be meeting Greicko tomorrow. I kinda don't want to. I don't know why though. He seems like a nice enough guy, so I'll grit my teeth and do it.



Holy crap, I need Advil.




Kay I'm back. Anyways, my friend, the one hooking us up, (and I say that very lightly) says that he "really wanted" to meet me on Friday. Cuz, if you didn't know, I DID write him back. I was just bein meself. Told him about meself. Nothing special, so I don't know what's up with the eagerness. But I couldnt meet him after school. I had to go get my hair done for that atrocity of a jazz concert.


But Denny's was FUN! I ate there with my friends that came for the performance. IT literally took us an hour to find out what we wanted to eat. The waiter was adorable; his name was Jad. :D My friends said they felt like sloppy pigs; since I was all prim and dressed up and they were in jeans and a tee.

But then again, I wasn't looking very good that day.

And I sounded bad.



Having a bad night.
