Gibby the Flea {Irrelevant Titles!}

Song: {Addicted by Kelly Clarkson}
Moods: Pooey, Raped

Only Clarkson song I like. :] <3

Only one main mood today--pooey. Dance was horrible today. HORRIBLE. My partner has successfully achieved in setting us ten steps back. He forgot the choreography. All of it. We're performing next month. And he can't get through less than half of the routine without slamming into me and knocking me over. He also sliced my leg with his shoe today. Bout five inches big, stings like hell, flesh wound, it bled like a motha. He was apologizing all over the place, that he was like tripping over himself--I couldn't be mad at him, but I do have a right to be thorougly and utterly frustrated. On the bright side, we managed to get through the grapevine without him bringing me so close that we slammed into each other, TWICE! Haha, so ecstatic, I jumped on him like a monkey and was squealing like an insane person. Then one of my friends decided to be a little betch and just says out loud "He pulls you in because of all the sexual tension in between you two!"

Gad. Bitch.

Man, do you know how AWKWARD it is to have your ex in dance with you? (Different ex, I'm talking about, not the usual ex.) I usually have to go through that every dance practice, but lately, its been shifting... We're starting to become best friends again--like before all this bad blood went on between us. Exes that are best friends--kinda weird. Dang, seriously, he's much cuter this year than last year. Ahha, he's told me that I've changed too. SO, even though I'm not feeling any romantic feelings towards him, my FEMALE best friend (who is his partner) tells me that he was talking to her, about he could feel sparks "flying" through us again.

Sparks? Like sparkly things? And they're flying? Unless the pull is strong; VERY STRONG; I don't like going back with exes. TWO REASONS.

1. Every single bf I ever had pulled some dumbshit move that hurt me alot.
2. I'm married!

This particular ex made sure that I wasn't invited to his "party." Smart move to invite our friends right in front of me then run away. After my friends pestered him about what an ass he was being, he comes up to me, holding out his invite, saying "you want this?"

After ignoring me for about two weeks, I broke up with him.
:[ That break up was particulary painful--but its nice to know that we're becoming close again.


My bitch friend from earlier did a dumbshit move today. She comes stumbling out of nowhere, grabbing onto me and my friend. I'm squealing like a little baby, and she grabs me until all three of us are standing in a little huddle. We're not doing anything. Then, the little pervert starts humping us! Gad! It was sick and I wanted to barf.

Warning: A bit R-rated material.

And I don't care if she only has orgys with girls, it was still weird--cuz I really just met her like a few months ago.
