The names Samantha. Nicknames: Sammi, Sam, Mantha, Sammich. Call me whatever floats your boat. I'm from the Vietnam, babes.

I always care a little bit too much. [...]

I'm a beta reader, so if there's any piece of writing that you want me to proofread before sending off for publication, just shoot me a PM and I'd be happy to help you!

:] <3 If you don't know me, get to know me. You'll have me for life.

I Love You Auntie

Today marks the two year memorial of my aunt's departure from Earth. She struggled with a ferocious bout of breast cancer. She died in terrible pain and suffering. She didn't take care of herself. She found the cancer and went into 100% denial. She took Tylenol for the pain. One day, she fainted and started bleeding on her bed. Which is where her friend found her and admitted her into the hospital. She died a month later. She was 43. She left behind her family and her 16 year old son. Please, if your mom (or you) or anybody finds something strange with themselves, get it checked. It's not worth a life.

To my beloved Aunt:
Auntie Khan, I know you're not here to read this, but I just wanted to let you know that I love you. Leo isn't mad at you anymore. Grandma misses you like crazy. Mom still cries over you. Alyssa turns two on the 18th and I know you would've loved her. She's the most adorable baby ever. I know that you're not suffering anymore and I just know that you're up in Heaven with your thick, curly hair and your precious jewlery. You're such a DIVA! :] We all love you and miss you. I always wanted to say sorry for not being at the funeral to say goodbye, but you know, mom wouldn't let me come. I wanted to part with you with a good picture in my head. Y'know, smiling, beautiful, and with that full head of hair you prided yourself on. Again, I really miss you. I wish I could see you one more time, saying "Hey, you want to try on some makeup?" Well...I'm wearing makeup now! Mmhm, I'm 15. :]<3 Say hi to great-grandpa for me. I'll see you soon.

Your bumblebee.


HA. I can't stop my stress no matter how much I want to. And trust me. I want to. Badly. Past three weeks, I've been getting five hours of sleep. FIVE. My english teacher gave us a ten part project and didn't even give us a definite due date. Then she pulled it out of our ass and made it due four days from when she gave it to us. That project is done, BUT NOW, History project due Thursday (POINTLESS BUSYWORK) and Chemistry project due tomorrow. ON TOP OF THAT, I'm performing at a Jazz festival with the ensemble in a few weeks (can't drop out of that. It's a class not to mention the band director will rip your throat out) I'm grounded for two weeks for doing my homework. Yeah, I was working on an essay at 11:30 at night, and my mom comes in, takes away my phone, my music (which I can't live without) and says that I'm grounded for taking too long on my homework. She threatened to take me out of Jazz and pull me out of vocal lessons if I "keep this up" Are you kidding me?? I stayed up until 2 in the morning yesterday! That is such BS! Grounding me for being a good student? WTH?! Last friday, I had three tests in one day and a Latin quiz. And I'm the "group leader" of this thing in Latin for a HUGE Banquet we have each year. So I'm charge of like 20+ rioty, idiots.

AND I'm sick.

Can you fathom the intesity of my headaches? I'm taking a ten minute break from HW just to rant on here! But I better get back to it. Don't wanna get grounded for another two weeks. It's a miracle that she even lets me on the computer. Tell me though, if you had a child, (Or have a kid now) would you ground them for working on their homework?? Does that make SENSE to you? Apparently, it does to my mother...

This is "Crazy Asian Mother" this is just a basic summary of my own mother...Sad, but true.

Hullo There, You Wonderful Person, You!

Hullo everybody. ^_^ I'm very happy. Why am I happy? CAUSE IT'S FRIDAY AND I GET TO ACTUALLY SLEEP!!! My English project is done and over with! Freakin finally. My crazy teacher kept changing the dam due date. -.-; Anyways, all my group has to worry about now is presenting. But that's okay for me, cause I lurve public speaking. :]

Anyways, I want to introduce you guys to a great new artist. She's not very well known but she's a very beautiful singer. Her name is Kina Grannis and she's doing a cover of the Sukiyaki song. Yes, she singing in Japanese. Before you start going "she's horrible at Jap." FYI, she's half Japanese. ^_^

Hehe you're welcome. Or not. So if you haven't figured it out by now, music is pretty much my life. Yar, love love it. I'm just going to babble useless drivel now.

Has any of you tried the strawberry smoothie from Jack and the Box? It's good, you guys should try it....GAH MY MOM JUST CUT HER FINGER!!! BRB---Okay, I thought she cut her finger OFF. That scared the bejeez out of me. Can you imagine having part of your finger just gone? WEIRD. ANYWAYS, now she's a moody mess because of it. Just to say something though...I've had much WORSE done to me than a shallow cut, and I was never as moody as she is right now. *sigh* Doesn't make any sense how they can get away with things that we can't just cause we're shorter then them. By them, I mean all adults in general. And I'm taller than my mom. -.-;

Kay, so have any of you guys read "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult? It's seriously the best book ever. EVER. It's so beautiful and strong. But it involves cancer, so it's very sad too. Oh, and "Breathe My Name" by R.A. Nelson also is very very good. It's a beautifully written storyline.

I wanna talk about ACROSS THE UNIVERSE!! Just for a quickie. T.V. Carpio is such a good singer! She sang "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" and it was so pretty.

There it is. :] I'm really utilizing the Youtube button here.

AHHH $700,000,000,000 BAILOUT!! Have you heard of it? My god, it's crazy how economically unstable America is right now. I knew it was inevitable, but when it hit us, it hit us. At first, I was against the bailout, because we'd be paying taxes for FOREVER and we'd owe $11,000,000,000,000,000 in debt. That's eleven trillon people. Eleven trillion. That's right, I said trillion. But now, I realized that if we DON'T do the bailout, America will be thrust into a Great Depression. Jobs will be lost. People will lose their houses. People will starve. People will die. And we DON'T want that happening. I'd rather pay taxes (they're a part of life anyways) rather than our whole country starving to death. Opinions?

Almost Like Being in Love

:] Heyo. So short entry today. So some people I guess know that I sing in the Jazz ensemble for my high school. And we got a song today that I absolutely fell in love with. It's called "Almost Like Being in Love" by Jo Stafford. Mind you, it's a very very old song, so if you think Jazz is boring and stuff, don't bother listening to it, cause you're going to find it boring. But her voice is just so pure and SNAPPY and SWANKY and JAZZY. (By her, I mean Jo Stafford) Yeah, I'm listening to this song on repeat cause I just got it today, and I need to learn it by 5:30 or my vocal instructor will rip my throat out. -.-

So I just thought I would put up a list of songs I'm currently singing in Jazz right now. >.< Some people asked.

List of Songs I'm currently doing in Jazz (wow this is a really long title):

1. Johnny B. Goode
2. Almost Like Being in Love
3. I Got Rhythm
4. Don't Cry for Me Argentina
5. Stairway to Heaven (YEAH! Some Led!)
6. Summertime
7. Come Sail Away (y'know, come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with meeee.)
8. It's Still Rock and Roll to Me

And there you have it! Huhuh. Here's Almost Like Being in Love. It's just the song, not a music vid or anything. :] Enjoy! Or not...


My birthday had just passed on September 10th. And I really wanted a cake or something, but I never got one. Yeah, I don't get a lot for my birthday. So I'm putting up this picture of a scrumpdidlyumptious cupcake for me to look at whenever I have an urging for a cupcake. Which isn't very often--I have a salty tooth, but once in a while a sweet urging will come up. :]

Doesn't it look good? Yummers, I want to eat it. A very merry unbirthday to me. (To me?!) Ahaha, I had to do that. I love Alice In Wonderland. There was a really good looking picture of a cupcake with a candle on it, but it was an actual candle. Tsk tsk, it was really yummy looking. Ahah, I really want a cupcake now. All this talk about cupcakes gives me strange urges for them. OH my gosh, the other day, I had a dippin dots cake (my friend's birthday, not mine). It was so rad. But it was really banana-y. Too much banana. It was like the best cake I've ever had though. :] Yeah today isn't a good day for my sweet tooth to be kicking in. Oh I think we have some Ben & Jerry's cookie dough ice cream in the freezer. Heehee, yummy. But it's really hard to scoop out. Like REALLY REALLY hard to scoop out. It's like a rock. And when you put the carton on a table, it makes an ear shattering noise that makes you shudder. Brrr. Shudder. I'm going to get some Ben & Jerry's and curl up and watch a movie now. Then I have to do homework. Ugh. That just came up and bit me in the behind. -.-