About Me

Stolen from ChinaSan who stole it off mangaandanimelove.

Name: Sakura Tachibana
Nicknames: Miss Bird, beefcake, X-money, cupcake (T-T)
Eye/Hair Color: Brown hair and brown eyes.
Birthday: 20th November
Age: 14
I like: anime/manga, drawing, sewing, writing stories, TheO, cute dogs, cute things, girly things

I dislike: Spiders, injections, injustice, moths, Daddy-long-legses

Favorite Sport: Swimming?
Favourite Color: Pink
Favourite Food(s): Chocolate cake, macaroni cheese, fish 'n' chips,
Favourite Subject: Art
Favourite Quote(s):

Favorite Anime: Hetalia, Smile Precure, Dokidoki Precure, Yes! Precure 5, Suite Precure, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds, Madoka Magica
Favorite manga: The Gentlemen's Alliance+, Madoka Magica, Negima, Love Hina (T-T) , Dragon Knights, Cardcaptor Sakura, Magic Knight Rayearth,

Favorite Bands/K-Pop/J-Pop:
K-Pop = Haven't heard any
J-Pop = C above. Vocaloid?
Other Bands = Avicii, Katy Perry, (BTW, I judge music on v way they sound, not who did it.)

Favorite Female Vocaloid(s):

Favorite Male Vocaloid(s):
Dunno. Len?

Some Random Facts about Me~

-I have a crush on Adolf Hitler (T-T")
-I have done 2 big tapestries and several other cross-stitches beside that. 1 tapestry was a thing 4 my neighbours' new baby.
-I have a thing 4 cute dresses
-And possibly curly/interesting hair. #Cure Lemonade, #Pokémon White 2 girl trainer, #Teto Kasane
