Germany, Germany is a very nice place...

They feed me German food even though I'm English
Which is perfectly fine, but it seems a bit more processed than England's food
Though these chocolatey-wafery biscuit thingies were really tasty
4 my brother, it's heaven, because it has sausages in iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttt
But my hormones knew something and couldn't stop thinking about someone CCR calls you-know-whoooooooooooooooooo
My heart was racing and I think u know whyyyyyyyyyyy
But I got some ideas 4 my doujinshi like v "good cell, bad cell" theoryyyyy
And why does school start @ 7:30? #insane
But it finished @ 12:30 which was niiiiiiiiiiice
Your country is bigger and more complex than ours. Wahoo!
Mum(ssolini? Who was v balding guy who said "Welcome back, Italy" in Episode 3?): Welcome back, Sakura.
Doooooooo, dooooooooooooo, da-doo! Da-da-da da-da doooooooooooo da-dooooo, doo-doo-doo DOO da-dooooooooooooo, da doo-doo-dooooo! De diddly-diddly dum.
4 those of u who don't know about Hetalia, that was me doing a rather crap version of v "Germany Is A Very Nice Place" song, followed by v theme tune. (Why did v song end up so long? '^')
I'm back! Have uploaded a page of Hetalia: This Means War 4 u 2 look @ if you're interested.
Speaking of which; I broke my Note 2 Self. (i.e. DO NOT SHOW MY GERMAN EXCHANGE PARTNER ANY OF MY DOUJINSHIS.) Someone had hijacked a HTMW page and had outlined and drawn over (by hand) some bits, and I went down 2 ask any of v family if they knew who was responsible, which led 2 me showing some of them what I'd done so far. T-T They seemed fine, but they didn't know what a swastika was when I warned them about v setting. I had 2 draw 1 (in black pen, on v Allies' section of a page. How am I gonna get round this 1? T-T) and then they understood. Perhaps they call it by a different name.
Must dash,
