Sakura's Newsround of v week: Turning over a New Leaf Gamewise

Okay, so 4 starters my little brother got back from a French exchange, which was pleasing because I missed him. (Mainly bcoz I'd gotten stuck on Skyward Sword and needed his help, but u know. ^w^) Also, I bought Animal Crossing: New Leaf 2day. Li'l bro let me use his 3DS 4 it! ^-^ I think it's an excuse 2 gloat at how he has a 3DS and I don't, but I'll play on 4 now. (Did any of u guess that this game would b involved when u saw v title?)
Also, just been watching Hetalia online again. (Allies, was it really wise 2 send Italy back in a box with v F-word on it? There could b children watching v programme. >: ) It made me laugh all v same. Also, when Germany's phone rang @ v start of v show my parents thought it was an actual phone ringing! :D
Germany is so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!!!!!!! ^^
Also, v "they fed me hamburgers" bit was really funny. ^^
Oh, and f*** you Austria, u harsh child-labouring poo. >:( (C Chibitalia 4 more info.)
Gonna play on Skyward Sword now.
Until next time,
