Of Exams, Barbies and Fascists

At least 2 days in2 Exam Week & even my phone calendar is saying WTF...
(Geddit? Wednesday Thursday Friday, What The F**k?)
Anyway, it's actually been 3 days in2 Exam Week but I am still clapped out. I don't know how much more I can take and have been treating myself by reading Hetalia on Mangafox. Am not very hooked but v characters & v concepts r interesting. Oh, & I think England has been dissed twice more. Germany is a hottie 2! (Do I have a thing 4 fascist Germans or something? Crap, you've probably guessed one of my deepest darkest secrets... (>-<) CRAAAAAAAAAAAP.) I'm not sure whether v character Germany is an actual fascist or not, but v story is set during WW2. Anyway, 2day I had a 1 & 1/4 hr-long English exam, a Chemistry exam of v same length (which I don't think any of us needed timewise) and a History exam. On v plus side; I GOT 34 OUT OF 35 ON MY FRENCH LISTENING PAPER!!!!!! (^-^) I'm not sure what v max grade 4 that paper is though. We went 2 our normal lessons after v English exam & since we didn't have much time, we marked each other's test papers. The test was pretty easy, but I'm still pleased.
After school, we were invited 2 a barbecue @ v Pavilion (a building @ school 4 kids with special needs) I had a burger, 2 cheese twists, some tomatoes & 5 cakes/biscuits.
Tired now,
