Pastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa of Doom: The News of V Day

Hello again peeps. Just been reading v 1st 2 chapters OF Hetalia (and a bit of Ch.3) and it's looking good so far. Apart from v bit when Italy is singing about how v food that Germany gives him "isn't gross like England's food." HOW VERY DARE U HIDEKAZ HIMARUYA, YOU INSENSITIVE POO. I'M ENGLISH. ARE U SAYING ROAST DINNER IS GROSS? OR FISH AND CHIPS?
Rome is such a hottie!
Oh, and v bit where Germany asks Italy if he has something 2 say in Ch.1 is really funny. U know; "I've got something 2 say! I have something! *waves hand frantically* And on v next panel: PASTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!
T-Tx1000 ROFL
Anyway, 2day was quite a busy day. Managed 2 cram in some quick revision and I reckon I could've done better with some of v questions on v Maths & Biology exams. Then there was v after-school Japanese lesson (don't ask). It was OK, but, u know. Also, an ex-student at our school who's a paediatric surgeon and was on a hospital documentary gave some Gifted and Talented students (including me) a talk about his life & v IB. (a post-16 course) Oh, and he didn't operate on me a fortnight ago bcoz he works @ a different hospital. I just realized, I'm sure I had pants on when I went under, and @ least 1 of v scars is near my u-know-what. That probably means that v surgeons who operated on me had 2 take my pants off during v op. Pervs. (C Sakura's Adventures in A&E 4 more info.)
Anyway, 2morrow is gonna be really big, bcoz there isn't 1 lesson in which I don't have an exam. In order of earliness, I have Double English, Chemistry, Art and History exams. Oh, and thanx 2 Cardcaptor Ryoko 4 wishing me luck.
Gonna finish off Ch.3 of Hetalia now.
