Sakura Tachibana's Newsround

Hello again. How are y'all doing? 1st piece of news: Sakura Land has been viewed 106 times! I'd like to do a piece of art 2 celebrate. Have u guys got any suggestions?
2nd piece of news: My little sister was mentioned on v radio! As mentioned last post, she was ill, and you know when radio DJs read out dedications; yeah well Mum texted BBC Radio 2 and the DJ read it out about a minute later! (Though he pronounced it wrong, apparently.)
3rd piece of news: I've added a clearer chapter title page 2 ZAM if anyone's interested. I think the problem with v actual manga pages lies in converting the speech to a bitmap/metafile. I will try 2 sort it out, but it's hard.
Oh, and a big shout out 2 DemonsandAngels whose love life has taken a really crap turn. I really hope you cheer up soon.
See y'all l8r!
