How crap is 2day gonna be?

Hello again. Sakura here again, with mixed feelings.
We were on our way 2 church not so long ago, but my li'l sis threw up on v way so we had 2 go home. She puked again on v way back. (into a plastic bag) My parents reckon it's from 2 much sweets, but I hope it's not a bug as I don't wanna catch it.
Also, a couple of days ago, someone I was subscribing 2 posted a picture of Ganondorf up because they fancied him. Well, I felt as if I had found a kindred spirit because my hormones have the WEIRDEST, CRAZIEST taste in blokes, so I PM'd them saying that I fancy an (Real-life, though) evil person 2. (Sorry, it's probably just one person but I don't know v gender.) Seriously, my current crush is technically a mass murderer. (He didn't actually do the murdering, but you know... Crap. Can u guess who it is from here? Crap, now a small section of theO knows that I have a crush on @**** H*****...) (At least he's a man. Sorry if I'm being homophobic, but it's one small consolation.)
Anyway, so A-san (The Ganondorf-fancier, no offence) PM'd me back and asked who he was. I gave them clues because I didn't have v guts to tell them straight, but I received a PM from A-san this morning and they'd guessed it. (>-<) CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPP. A-san probably thinks that I'm a complete weirdo... Stupid, STUPID hormones. Why can't u crush on someone nicer?
On a lighter note, I've done some more work on v chapter title page 4 ZAM and Mum was thinking of asking the owner of v cutest dog in v world if I could c him.
Oh, and when you're blogging, how much information is 2 much information?
Brace yourself, Sakura.
Catch you later, when I'm redder than a tomato!
P.S. A big thank you 2 Card Captor Ryoko 4 telling me how 2 comment on stuff.
